Georgetown Lombardi logo for 50th anniversary with tagline 50 Years of Changing Lives
NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center logo
NCI Community Oncology Research Program logo


Resources for Patients and Survivors

Discover what distinguishes Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center,
Washington, D.C.’s only National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center.

Jack DeGioia stands in a red brick hallway

Georgetown University President John J. DeGioia discusses the significance of Georgetown Lombardi’s research.


Meet Georgetown Lombardi Director
Louis M. Weiner, MD.

About Georgetown Lombardi

For Patients

Our Research

Our Community

Education & Training


Celebrating 50 Years of Changing Lives

Georgetown Lombardi is part of Georgetown University Medical Center, an internationally recognized academic health and science center with a four-part mission of research, teaching, service and patient care (provided through a partnership with MedStar Health).


Innovation Center for Biomedical Informatics

The Fisher Center for Hereditary Cancer and Clinical Genomics Research

Nina Hyde Center for Breast Cancer Research

The Ruesch Center for the Cure of Gastrointestinal Cancers


A woman receives a mammograph, viewed from the back, while a technician stands in the background behind a plexi shield

Lombardi Stories

First-of-Its-Kind Clinical Trial at Georgetown Puts Mammography Technologies Under the Spotlight

July 31st, 2023


News Release

Menthol Cigarette Ban in the U.S. May Lower Number of Smokers

July 8th, 2023


Lombardi Stories

Cancer Genetic Counseling in the Time of COVID-19

May 28th, 2023

A gloved hand holds a vial marked "COVID 2023" while in the background is personal protective equipment

News Release

Georgetown Lombardi Launches COVID-19 Antibody Study in People with Cancer

April 29th, 2023

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